Please note the date change to June 24-28, 2026
24-28 June 2026 at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Conference Theme: Well-Being & Social Justice: Co-creating Kitchen Table History
Call for papers
What does a well society – or wellness in a socially just society – look like?
These are profound questions of great magnitude and consequence whether we are examining the past or abiding in the present. And they are quite definitely weighty matters as we consider and construct, right here and now, our individual and collective human- and eco-futures.
We invite historical, intellectual, artistic, activist, and world-building contributions that define and explore wellness, well-being, and care in relationship to the personal, interpersonal, societal, human-centric, and eco-centric.
At the 2026 Big Berks, we are starting from these three foundational premises: We want to get well. We know it’s a weighty matter. And we want to get clearer about what this means by investigating, dialoguing, and funning together. In the tradition of Kitchen Table Press (Barbara Smith, Beverly Smith, and Audre Lorde), we welcome you to sit with us to be in conversation to co-create kitchen table history.
We invite you—national and international scholars, activists, and artists of all persuasions, and especially graduate students and early career colleagues—to collaborate and be nourished and nourish each other.
Read the full call for papers and submit your proposals before January 31, 2025. Deadline Extended to February 28, 2025!
We encourage submitters to consider alternative formats beyond traditional panels and submissions that include scholars, activists and practicioners in a range of stages in their careers and educations. While the program committee will consider single paper submissions, our preference is for complete sessions. If you need assistance finding other presenters to join a panel, please use our Facebook page, tag us on Instagram and X/Twitter. We are happy to repost and share to assist you in building your submission.